Thoughts on life, tape measurers, man in a hat, & vaccum cleaners from a spoiled rotten kitty cat. Oh, & animals....lots of animals!!!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
It's getting hot in here.....
Oreo...... Who's there? Why are you under the covers Oreo? It's 84 degrees outside & it's only 11:00. Cause you gots it too COLD in HERE!! That's why!!
So far there are 86 cats & 4 humans confirmed for mine party!!! I can't WAIT! Only 8 more days to go.
We is coming, we is coming! Mom's furry busy, but it'll be nice to go partying. As fur the heat, Dad found me melted at the top of the stairs. Then I moved to the bed cuz it's unner a fan. My beans has the cold air thingy, but don't make it too cold cuz of some city called lectrick.
If it's getting hot in there, take off all your fur. That's what I heard from the boomy-box thingamajig that makes the music.
Oh my Oreo, you are having a BIG party! I am so looking forward to it-
Oh, Oreo. I wish we had cool air! I will be so glad to be at your place for your party!
You're just looking forward to all that catnip, Oreo. Remember that having 86 cats there will mean a lot less 'nip for you!
It was so hot last weekend I ws looking for my zipper so I could take my fur off! -shaggy
wow. we will have a GREAT time at your party!
Beezer and I will be pleased to come!!
We is coming, we is coming! Mom's furry busy, but it'll be nice to go partying. As fur the heat, Dad found me melted at the top of the stairs. Then I moved to the bed cuz it's unner a fan. My beans has the cold air thingy, but don't make it too cold cuz of some city called lectrick.
Thanks for the invitation that you left over at Catnip Anonymous. I'd love to come to your party.
Oreo -- we'll bring party nip! :)
Sanjee, Boni and Mini
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