Thursday, May 18, 2006


Yesterday, in my comments Scooby, Shaggy, or Scout said something about how I've been lazy in my pictures lately. I know I have been but I can't help it. All I want to do is lay around in the bed, under the covers. I don't know why either, I feel fine, but there you are.......I'm still cute though, right?????


Zeus said...

You're absolutely still cute, Oreo! Sometimes, being lazy is an ok thing - or so says the human pet. I lay around all the time, and I don't see a problem with it. Isn't that what God made us for? To simply lay?

Peggy said...

you are purrrfectly handsome to me! xoxoxoxo dimples

The Meezers or Billy said...

Our Mommy thinks that you are one of the cutest kitties (outside of us) that she has efurr seen!

Anonymous said...

Great and wise cats just loll around and do philosophical day-dreaming. It looks like you have entered the pondering of infinite wisdom stage. Don't worry about it.

I will be looking for my surprise in the mail. We are only going for the week-end and will be back just before or just after it arrives.

Anonymous said...

Oreo, you have the most plushy tummy!

Amy in NC said...

Oreo, our Mom really would like to rub your tummy. She has this thing for furry tummies and she says you are still very cute! Napping is the best activity in the world and hellps us kitties be rested enough for our few minutes of exercise every day.


Gemini said...

Sometimes you just gotta lay around. Maybe it's the weather? You'll be back up when you feel like running again.

=^..^= said...

You are SOOOO purrty, you really don't have to pose for any picture. You'll still look furry furry purrty!


Shaggy and Scout said...

Well it's not like we're all pep & energy either! Why'd ya have to go roll for the camera like that? Now mom wants to rub your belly!?!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Looks like you need a massive amount of belly skritches. So says The Mom!

Patches Lady

Just Ducky said...

Your doing what a kittie does best, rest.

Max said...

Being active is highly over rated. Not much beats a good nap.

IndyPindy said...

You are very cute, Oreo!