Thoughts on life, tape measurers, man in a hat, & vaccum cleaners from a spoiled rotten kitty cat. Oh, & animals....lots of animals!!!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Baby Come Back.....
::Mom:: Oreo, I know it's cold & I know you're comfortable in your blankie cave but I think you'll want to see this......... What is it Momma? Dimples? My baby Dimples is back on line????? Wahoo!!! You can find Dimples HERE. She am sssooo purrty with her little smooch spot. Don't we make a bee-you-tea-full couple? Well, back to my cave.....
ooh she's very puuurtty Oreo!
Dimples has such pretty markings!
You're gonna be breaking hearts talking like that Oreo. We know all the other ladies are in love with you.
She is a pretty girl.
You're right, Oreo. That Dimples is one sweet pussy cat. You two sure do look a lot alike...
Ahhhhh, love is in the air. That smooch spot is irresistable!
I haven't met Dimples yet, I'm going to tell mommy we need to go visiting..
That is too bad that Dimples Mom losted her template. As long as our Mom never looses our foodplate we are in good shape.
Patches Lady
You do make a very boo-tee-ful couple.
Love is in da air!
Dimples is very cute! I loved the weblog, and I hope to read more in the future! Thanks for sharing!
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