I gots so much to tell you! Am you ready???

First, ain't I purrty?!?!
Momma & Daddy was gone most of the day Friday & ALL day Saturday & yesterday they was too tired to help me blog. They went to mine Mom's Mom's house to take out the old culvert & replace it wiff a new one.....

That am uncle Casey on the backhoe. :)

They also breaked this here tree. Uncle Casey can't see anyfing!

Momma gotted to see my son
Jamesie. He am doin good.
Scooby his 'dopted brofur was hidin & Momma didn't get to see him. He was scared of the big 'chine.

Finally, Momma & Daddy gotted this pictor of a flying rat...er...bat! We gots 5 or 6 of them that fly around effurrynight eatin bugs.
Indy-Pindy, my husky woofie furriend, wants me to tell effurryone about the new bloggie that him's Momma made. It am for rescuing woofies & can be found