Spring brings with it all sorts of animals that come into my yard, just BEGGING me to fight them & run them off. Yesterday Momma saw me walking REAL slow at the edge of the woods & knew I was stalking something so she got the camera out...........
Very interesting. It's moving so slow. Let me get up above this thing so that I intimidate it even more.
MMMMMOOOMMMMM, You're gonna distract me & make me lose it. Go away.....
"NO! Oreo you can't play with that!!!" That' s what she yelled at me. How embarrassing! Like it could hurt me or something.
Bah! See it getting away? I TOLD you Mom.
(Click the pictures if you can't see it real good.)
oh oh oh. we seen a kitty in our backyard carrying one of those thingies to it's house the ofer day. Mommy screamed and opened the door and yelled at the kitty to drop it. She says they are not good for kitties. - Sammy
That's a nice rubber snake, Oreo. Are you trying to get us to think you're brave? I bet your Mommy put you up to this--cats don't normally fib.
I have no experience with the outdoors so what exactly is that long, slender thingamajig in the leaves? I don't understand why your human pet was so frantic. How bizarre.
Momma saw a cat trotting across the road in front of her car once with a snake in its mouth. He stopped in the middle of the street and turned his head to show her how nice it lookedc dangling down. He looked so proud. We get those green garter snakes here. What kind is that?
Oh, I don't know, looks a bit slithery to me. I have never seen one up close and personal...I have to stay in the "in" all the time, unless it is a supvervision walk. We have garter snakes, but I have never seen one, just heard about them. Mistrie is an expert on the subject.
Oooh Oreo, that might hurt you. I'm glad your momma scared it away!
Mum said yuck, you can keeps the snakes. She prefers that they stay outside and me inside.
that looks dangerous!!!
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