Tuesday, January 17, 2006

There's dirty dishes in here?!?!?!

Several of you told me that it would be fun to get in my dishwasher even though it got "installed". So, I tried it & it's ok, but not something I'll be doing a lot of. Do you know what they do with this thing? They stack dirty dishes in it! Gross!!

On a much more serious note.....when my Daddy went to the doctor almost 2 weeks ago they tolded him that he had red blood cells in his urine. That wasn't good cause my Mom said we had to purray lots for him. Yesterday he went back to see if they were still there, even though he took a WHOLE weekend off! The doctor told him they are actually worse & now he needs to go to a urologist. My Mom is real upset & wants effurrybody to keep him in their purrayers at least until next Thursday. :) I say keep him in your purrayers till he's better!! Mom says I better go cause I'm gettin' rude. Please, please, pray hard.


The Meezers or Billy said...

you're not getting rude at all askin for purrayers Oreo. We will gladly keep purraying for your daddy.

Edsel/The Pooch said...

we will gladly pray for your daddy, every day until you tell us to stop!

Amy in NC said...

Hey, you can lick some good food off of dirty dishes!

Purrayers, headbutts, and sandpaper kisses for your Dad.

The Monsters

PrincessMia said...

We'll be purraying for your dad and mom and you.

IndyPindy said...

Oh, poor Oreo! We'll be keeing you all in our prayers. Big wet Husky kisses for all of you!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Oh you are so cutsey, Oreo!

Of course, we will send kitty purrayers for your Dad! We will be checking back often for news!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Scout says: I love helping with the dishes in the dishwasher!! I do that just like you!
Mom says: Prayers going out to you both always.xxxooo

The Crew said...

We have a dishwasher thing at our house too, but we never try to get in there. It's too icky. If there's anything good on the plates like gravy or spaghetti sauce, sometimes we have a little before they're washed.

Keep good thoughts, Oreo. We're all purraying for your Dad.

Ivan from WMD said...

It's worse than that, Oreo. If you get stuck in that dishwasher, you could get all wet!!

We hope your daddy gets better real soon. He has too, with of all us keeping our thoughts on him!

Anonymous said...

You look most fetching in that dishwasher. We are keeping our fingers and paws crossed for your family.

Just Ducky said...

First, lots of purrayers for the Dad. Not good when you have to wait to find out what is wrong with them.

Be careful with the dishwasher. Mum keeps thinking I wanna get into ours. I look like I wanna jump in from the top. Mum is 'fraid I will impale myself on the prong thingies.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Purrayers and Bunny Nose Kisses coming your way!

Max said...

Man, I hope your dad just has something simple like a big zit inside that's making things give off a little blood. The Man gets lots of kidney stones and they do that sometimes. We're all thinking good thoughts for him.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Oreo, my peoples have a dishwasher, and when it finishes purring and they open it, it makes nice, warm, moist air. Cozy warm.

Snuggles to your people. Be well.

Beau said...

Mom has a dishwasher and I help her put dishes in, but that's it. They're gross--EWWW! But when she opens it again I like to get up close to it and feel the heat. We're sending big prayers up for your dad. It maybe the same kind of problem grandpa had last year, but I'm not allowed to talk about it.

Boni said...

We'll say purrayers til he's better anyways. I don't think it's rude to ask for purrayers. Your Mom's upset tho, so we'll be extra nice to her and we'll purray for her to not feel so upset too.

But yeah, dirty dishes are icky. I wouldn't wanna crawl in there with them. Maybe you can sleep on top of the counter where the dishwasher is, instead?

jenianddean said...

We are sending four times the kitties prayers your daddy's way! Make sure to give him lots of love!


Oscar the Wonder Cat said...

Mum has been teaching me how to say my purrayers for your Dad. I hope they reach all the way from Australia to there. Mum says it is a very long way, but if I really concentrate it will make it. I sure hope he is okay.