Thoughts on life, tape measurers, man in a hat, & vaccum cleaners from a spoiled rotten kitty cat. Oh, & animals....lots of animals!!!
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Family members in need....
This am my Uncle-in-law Casey. Him needs a woman. This am his cat, little kitty-no-name. Guess what he needs..... Mom would appreciate it if effurrybody would suggest a name for the kitty. :) And if anyone knows of anyone for Casey, oh, gotta go, here comes Mom....
Oreo: Bummer about your uncle in law. He must be a nice man since he likes cats. The kitty will reveal his true name when he is ready to. We hope uncle is listening.
We agree with S, S & S--he'll reveal his name when it's time. Me and Eddie-we took weeks to tell Mom. Olivia was too sick to speak up, so she tolerates us calling her that. Caroline (and Sophie) told Mom their names right away. You just have to wait and see.
Valderbar you're not paying attention. Humans smell bottoms all the time. Maybe the shut the door to keep you out before they reach that stage tho. Humans are weird about that.
Oops! For some reason, I though the kitty was a girl. Since it is a boy, I recommend Gray Ghost or just Ghost.
Oh, Oreo, our mom is 30 but she is a non-smoker and it's something that she feels rather strongly about since her Nana died of lung cancer. Good luck in finding your uncle a woman.
Hey Oreo,
Your uncle-in-law's a cutie!! So is your new cousin. Now for a about Smoky? Not really good at names! LOL!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Oreo - do you think your uncle-in-law would be happy that you said that on your blog??? That is very funny though.
A name - how about Silver, Sterling, or Nickel? I like the kitty's color!
How about "Stache" 'cause he looks like he's wearing a white mustache.
I'm afraid I can't think of anything clean right now. I'll have to return later. *giggles*
Bummer about your uncle in law. He must be a nice man since he likes cats.
The kitty will reveal his true name when he is ready to. We hope uncle is listening.
May I suggest Platinum for the kitty's name? (Because he's precious.)
Do we have to start a personals ads for our humums that need friends? Maybe we gotta make up a good one for your uncle.
"Warm outdoorsy male, cat lover, looking for companionship (humum companionship), must love cats."
Ya think it'll work?
my sister's name is Casey. would your uncle Casey want her? i can send her, no problem. she's not a human but she's cuddly.
The Woman says "Elf." 'Cause on a scale of 1 to 10, that kitty is an 11, and "elf" is what eleven sounds like in German...
How about Nymphadora - our mom is a big Harry Potter fan and that's where the name came from. She sure is a pretty kitty.
Our mom is single - can you give some more stats on the uncle-in-law?
We agree with S, S & S--he'll reveal his name when it's time. Me and Eddie-we took weeks to tell Mom. Olivia was too sick to speak up, so she tolerates us calling her that. Caroline (and Sophie) told Mom their names right away. You just have to wait and see.
MEOW!!!!!!! (to the uncle) shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cuz Mama is MARRIED!!! But she'll look around for some single friends MEOWING OUT LOUD
Angel n Taz
ps the kitty is nice too!!
My dad named his cat Thatdamncat. Seemed to suit the kitty perfectly.
Valderbar you're not paying attention. Humans smell bottoms all the time. Maybe the shut the door to keep you out before they reach that stage tho. Humans are weird about that.
Oops! For some reason, I though the kitty was a girl. Since it is a boy, I recommend Gray Ghost or just Ghost.
Oh, Oreo, our mom is 30 but she is a non-smoker and it's something that she feels rather strongly about since her Nana died of lung cancer. Good luck in finding your uncle a woman.
I think Smokey is a good name... and will ask mom if she knows any single women for your uncle.
Dimples and Whiskers
Methinks a good name for that poodin would be Gandolf the Grey. But that's just me... That bean am quite the looker too ;)
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