WARNING!!! Some of the following story is grew-some!! Not for sensitive readers!!
Yesserday was the anniversary (3 years) of the day Momma gotted runned ofur. Here am the story....................

This was Momma's car on the day IT happened. She had gone to her V-E-T for a sinus inflection. It's a good fing too! Her camed out & the car woodn't start so her called mine Daddy. He am a chanic. He tolded her how to jump start it wiffout anoffer car. There am a box on the firewall that you touch wiff metal & it starts right up. So her did & it started. Then it jumped into gear & comed up ofur tha curb. Momma's left leg was JUSS in front of the bumper but when it hit the curb the weels turned to the left & grabbed her good. It broked her leg & messed up her nee right then. The hood fell off the prop & broke & dislocated her index finger. Cause for some reason her putted her hand down on it, like to stop it or sumfinn. Her gotted pulled up unner the car then & it runned offur her back & broke it in two places & cracked some ribs. The tire grabbed the side of her face & pulled & that am when her eyeball socket & her nose gotted broked. It also breaked two of them wing fings off her neck bones. The car rolled Momma ofur unner it. When it did it breaked her pelvis twice & her coller bone, boff her sholder blades was shattered & dislocated. There was a bolt stickin down unner the car & it sliced frough her upper lip alla way & hit her teef, that am why her has prollems wiff them now. It almost pulled boff her lips off! That same bolt cutted up her forhead purrty good which am why you RARELY see her wiffout a hat!
The aberlance pee-poles was all out on ofur calls when it happened & that am why it was good that her was at her V-E-T's office. They taked care of her till the amberlance cood get there. There was a man there who stopped Momma's car from goin out in the street & getting smashed, he was wunnerful! There was a firefighter man who was out at lunch & new the amberlance pee-poles was all out so he camed & help Momma's V-E-T till they gotted there. He was also wunnerful!! Boff of these men gotted awards for what they did & Momma still talks to the firfighter man effurry once in a while.
When Momma gotted to the hopspital (Her was a gold alert! That am REEEELLY BAD!) they did surgery & putted a titanium rod in her left leg. Her had busted the femoral artery & that almoss killded her. After they gotted her leg all better they was aktually gonna send her home in 2 days!! But her lungs collapsed & her hadda have chest tubes putted in. That almost killded her too. So her was all upset & kept tryin to pull her breaffin tube out so they gived her so valium, turned out her am llergic to it & her stopped braffin & that almoss killded her too. Momma was in the hopspittal for 3 weeks, close to 4. I missed her furry much. Momma finally gotted disability & her stays home all day now, which I like & she hates. Momma say if you gonna jump your car you better make sure there am NO part of you near the front that can be grabbed!!
When sumfinn like this happens you reeely find out who your furrinds are. There was lots a pee-poles that came to the hopspittal (though not many who shoulda camed!) but once Momma was home it was Daddy, my human brofurs & her Momma & sister who was dere for her. (And me a course! Aktually when her furst camed home I dint no her & that broked her heart, poor Momma!) See when her camed home her couldn't use nuffin but her right arm. Daddy wood carry her to the couch in the morning & Grandma & Amber had to take care of her all day & then Daddy would carry her to the shower & the bed at night. It was furry hard on alla us. SO fanks Daddy & brofurs & Grandma & Amber. We don no where we'd be wiffout you! Most of all though, Momma fanks the Lord effurryday for letting her stay here wiff us cause reelly, that am the only reason her am here. Fanks you God!!
Pee-poles fink Momma am crazy for keepin her car, but her say it am a mental fing. Her ain't gonna let it drive her crazy!! And it could too! You should see her if a car starts up near her & she's not spectin it! We has put quite a bit of time & money into makin the car look different so it aint so hard on Momma. We fink it am awesome!

Here am where it took fird place in the Roanoke Valley Mustang Club car show!!

And effurrycat has seen the racing pictors! Momma loves that car! And her NOT crazy......