Thoughts on life, tape measurers, man in a hat, & vaccum cleaners from a spoiled rotten kitty cat. Oh, & animals....lots of animals!!!
Friday, March 24, 2006
Failed video upload......
Mom was gonna upload a little GIF video she made of me but it didn't work so you'll just have to use your imagination!!
There are the pictures she used. She REALLY loves that last one. On another note....any poodins or humans out there going to the race at Bristol this Sunday? (I AM!!!!)
You look very stretchy and relaxed, Oreo! What kind of race is it? A horse race? A car race? A people running race? The only Bristol we know is in the UK. And it is a make of classic car - my beans used one when they got married.
No one here is going to Bristol, but the humans and I will be watching on TV. It's our favorite track. Napcar is the best thing on TV. Makes me sleepy just thinking about it.
Oh, Oreo, I am so honored you want me in your links! Your blog was one of the first ones we read (Max and Buddah were first). You are such a handsome kitty, too! So limber and strong! Thank you again.
You should've been singing on your video: 'Bend and stretch, reach for the stars'!
I like that last one best, too! Makes me want to give that tummy a little rub.
~ tammara
Ehhhhh... I'll wait for the movie, Oreo.
You look very stretchy and relaxed, Oreo!
What kind of race is it? A horse race? A car race? A people running race? The only Bristol we know is in the UK. And it is a make of classic car - my beans used one when they got married.
Oh, Oreo, am you practicin for the lympics (floor exercise?)
No one here is going to Bristol, but the humans and I will be watching on TV. It's our favorite track. Napcar is the best thing on TV. Makes me sleepy just thinking about it.
I was thinking "Twist and Meow". Mum says we may watch Bristol.
Have fun at the race, and don't furget to wear your earplugs. You are a very handsome kitty, those are great pictures.
What great shape you keep yourself in. Tell me is it Kitty Aerobics or Catkin Jazzercize?
hey, can i go to the race too??? i always get left at home.....
Have fun at the race, Oreo! Our mom likes that last picture of you, too! We thinks they are all great pictures!!
Our Dad is watchin the races right was snowing there! I hope the weather is better for you tomorrows..
Great stretches Oreo! You need belly rubs?
hahahahailaugheverytimeithink'bout: you in a cooler with holes cut out for your eyes hahahahahahahaha
Were you doing the Dance Of The Sunspot? That's one of my favorite dances. I can do it all the way across the floor as I chase a good sunsot!
Oh, Oreo, I am so honored you want me in your links! Your blog was one of the first ones we read (Max and Buddah were first). You are such a handsome kitty, too! So limber and strong! Thank you again.
We like the last picture the best too. ~Merlin, shadow, Ko Ko
PS what's a bristol?
You look like a mighty happy poodin in these pictures. Reachin' for the sunbeams in the last one. Nice shot Oreo's Mom!
**ABBY(the Manx)
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