Oh, My, Gosh! I won the Photo Contest. Thank you SO much to effurryone who voted for me. I wubs you, my faithful readers! As soon as I get my award I will post it.
Up in the left-hand corner there is a kitty. Click on him & he will chase your mouse. Double click on him & you can go get one for your bloggie too! The kitty was found on Mar's bloggie yesterday. Thanks Mar! I really like playing with him, as you can tell by the way I'm all worn out in that picture.
Congratulations Oreo!
Congratulations! pretty pic of you under the Xmas tree. And I am SO glad you are taking good care of the tiny kitty! :D
Congrats Oreo!
I don't see the mouse though.
I mean I don't see the kitty. Duh!
congratulations on the photo contest!!
Congrats! (You do look worn out. Is it all the paparrazzi??)
~ moose
11:26 AM
I saw him this time! Thanks Oreo!
The little click-kitty is very cute. But who shot Oreo? He looks like some victim on one of those CSI shows. I don't see any chalkline around him so I assume he's just faking...
Congrats on the award Oreo and family.
Congrats Oreo! Cute mouse chaser!
EXCELLENT Oreo!! That is so neat about winning that contest!
And thank you for the cute little kitty link.
I like the Neko kitty, thanks for the link. And congratulations of winning the contest! You are looking very fine!
CONGRATULATIONS OREO! It couldn't happen to a nicer kitty cat! Your cyber kitty friend is neat!
Yshooo and yipeee for Oreo. Me and Timothy are competing this month. I wanna be Mr. February.
Oreo, you have the best furries tummy....mom would smooch it if she could!
Mom posted my story...come read about me!
Tannie Man,
The Whippy Curly Tails in the Toasty South!
COngratulations Oreo! And I got me a kitty mouse chaser too!
Congrats Oreo! *kitty claps*
Now I'm gonna go play with the kitty thingie. Maybe Mommy'll let me get one too!
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