There have been some disturbing reports of humans waking their puddies just like my mom does. This is apparently becoming an epidemic. I found, just this morning on
Kit 'N' Carlyle, that he has the same problem. Puddies, we have to put a stop to this. Humans the world over wonder why we sleep so much...well, let me just say, QUIT WAKING US UP!!!
Oreo, they just don't understand the importance of beauty sleep. we're all just so beautiful that we need lots and lots of that beauty sleep to maintain our beautifulness.
Mom does it to me ALL the time. It is SO annoying! She thinks I look cute (SO??) when I'm sleeping so she just HAS to love on me! Can't it wait until I wake up, mom???
HEHEHE That's alright, I'm jumping on her head after she goes to sleep tonight!
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