We am still around. Momma has been super bizy wiff her V-E-T & I can't turn the puter on by myself so I hasn't been able to post. We am furry sorry for worryin effurrycat. Fanks so much for all the concern though. There has been so much goin on I don't efun no where to start.
Furst, mine cuzzin, Little Kitty No Name wented to the bridge. He gotted reely sick & passed away. We am still all way sad. Pleese amember him in yore purrayers.
Second, I gotted mine secrit paw frum Phoebe & Monica & it was awe-sum! Fanks you so furry furry much!!
Third, Momma's V-E-T has acided that he am gonna kill off part of her thigh-roids next Thursday. Her am gettin radio-aktiv-eye-oh-dine-treetment. Her don't want to do it at all but the Grave's disease am starting to affect her eye things so her figgered her better. Pleese purray for her. Her will prolly haff to be on sin-throid for the rest of her life after they do this.
: ( Momma haff been kinda apressed about all this.
We am gonna close for now. It am almost 1 o clok & Momma am finally tired enuff to lay down so I'ma take her to bed. I'd say we'll do better but the last time I said that it took a month to post again so I won't. :)