Monday, July 31, 2006

My Parents Am Hunters Too!!

I been grounded for lyin bout bein unner tha car. Turns out, I had greeeeese on mine nose. So Momma knew.

But, while I was grounded, Momma & Daddy founded this guy. He sure am bright.

Looky at him big eyes! (It looks like his froat has been....well, you know!)

Momma letted him go outside afore I dee-sided to eat him.

Meanwhile, this am what I did all weekend......

I like being grounded.


Anonymous said...

Oreo, thank you for not eating the "creepy crawlie"! Looks like being "grounded" is fun! Hey, I haven't gotten any Oreo kisses in soooooo long....hint....hint!

Anonymous said...

Helllo Oreo sweetie,

Grounded does'nt look so bad after all. I'm glad that's just grease on your cute face and not a cut.Hang in there...Purrs and Huggs

The Meezers or Billy said...

that looks like I buggie I would has to eat to protek my mommy from!
You shur look snuggly when you're grounded! - Miles

Gemini said...

Oh being grounded looks like fun. I will have to go get in trouble now...

danielle said...

I agree with everyone else. Being grounded looks like lots of fun!

Anonymous said...

You sure love cats ;)

Greetings from The Netherlands!

Anonymous said...

I wish someone would ground me! I could use endless nap time! But, Oreo, I can still see the greeese on your nose!

Anonymous said...

Being grounded is good! They did not take away the catnip, right?

Anonymous said...

grounded fur us means we gets trapped in the human litter box - yours is way better!

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Yes, I wish I could get groundedd like that. I'm going outside right now to look for a car to crawl under!

Jasmine said...

Little Oreo - you are such an adorable kitty!

Emma's Kat said...

I always tell Emma that creepy crawlies are good in protein. I don't mind if she eats flies, crickets and spiders but that creepy crawly in your house was big and kinda neat. I'm glad you didn't eat it Oreo!

So you got grounded...I'm glad she didn't ground you from the computer! Some friends of Emma's were being a little not nice on Grr's site and they got grounded from the computer! So Oreo! Don't fib anymore! We wouldn't want you to be grounded from the computer! K?!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

I can't believe you got groundeded. How did she know you had grease on you fur shur? Did she have a hidden camera??? It looks like yur taking your groundin' pretty well though.

Shaggy and Scout said...

We heard those big creepies are ickky tasting! They do that so the birds won't eat them. We wouldn't eat him, we'd just bat him around for awhile.

Rascal said...

I agree with Emma's Kat, I'm glad you didn't get groundeded from the computer. Looks like it hasn't been so bad however.

amy and the bad cats said...

wow, oreo! your way of being grounded looks like too much fun! i hope bat & bandit don't read this and do stuff to try to get grounded!