Friday, December 23, 2005

A present for my Mommie.

Ok, here is what happened, I knew Christmas was getting close & I knew I couldn't BUY my Mom a present, so I thought I'd try to find something for her around the house. I did too. I found her one of the bestest presents a poodie could give his Mom. And I hid it so she wouldn't see it till Christmas morning.

I hid it in here, the little hole between the couch & the pillow. Cool hiding place huh? Except I forgot, I like to play in little holes like that, especially when I've got something hid in there!

Well, Mom sat down on the couch, against this pillow & she noticed I kept looking in there. Well, she didn't know I had put her present there so she just thought I wanted her to play with me, ssssoooo, she stuck her hand in there, and she found something furry. She jerked her hand out & she looked at me, then she looked at my Dad & she said "I sure hope this is a toy." Well, it was MY toy was a mousie.

:::Note from Oreo's Mom:::
This is a true story (The important parts anyway!) This really happened last night. Talk about being grossed out when I pulled that pillow back!


Shaggy and Scout said...

What a sweet thoughtful little kittycat you have! sss's mom

Dawn said...

Hi Oreo, here from Michele's tonight... I adore you. You are a beautiful kitty. However, please don't bring me presents, okay?

IndyPindy said...

Aw, Oreo, that is so sweet! You caught a mousie for your mom and you were saving it for her! I hope she appreciated all the hard work that went into catching it and hiding it!

Merry Christmas!

Edsel/The Pooch said...

oh oreo, now what are you goin' to give her for chrismas?? at least you had a good idea that got foiled. i don't even have an idea! what am i gonna do????

kontan said...

ew!!! the last time alli left me a present it was an addition to the manger scene. eek, ew, yuck!

here by michele

Merry Christmas eve eve!

Beau said...

hahahaha! That was sooo sweet of you to get your mom a mouse! I'm sorry she found it before Christmas! Maybe you could find her another mouse...or squirrel, or chipmunk, or bird? heehee

Timmy said...

AWESOME gift! Totally Awesome!

Oh, my Momma says "!!!!" But I can't understand why, I think it's a totally awesome gift!

Max said...

AHHH HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I wish I could do that to the Woman! Maybe I can get Buddah to catch a mouse and give it to her in the middle of the night. Dude, that's the best Christmas present EVER!!!

Boni said...

Oopsy, she found her pressie early. I hope she understands how nice it is for you to give her a pressie that's so special to you.

Merry Christmas Oreo and Oreos Mom and Dad and Brothers and all the rest of Oreo's family :)
Purrs and Headbutts :)

OldLady Of The Hills said...

You are so lucky to be able tocatch micey's and give them for pressies to your Mommy and Daddy...I can't ever find any mousy
s..but, I'm still hoping..there is still another day...!HA!
Merry Merry Oreo...from your pal Sweetie..
(My mom wrote this for me...forgive her cuz she know not what she do....)

Anonymous said...

Me Say You Are Most Thoughtful Oreo! Me Left A Little Prezzie For Evil!Troll In Her Underwear Drawer! Evil!Troll Was Most Ungrateful....

Geekwif said...

Oh, Oreo, that was so sweet of you. I'm sure my kitties would do the same except they've lost all their toys and even I can't find them!

prairiesunshine said...

Oh god, and I was worried bout the bugger Taz left on the FLOOR. this would give me nightmares I think! You poor girl. Musta been some yelling going on at YOUR house!!! Nice prezzie Oreo!!!

Taz's Mama

...............going to check the hiding places me thinks....

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

What a wonderful present! Mistrie brings them to mom all the time and leaves them on the porch and waits for mom to tell her what a good kitty she is. I have yet to come up with something and time is running out!!

The Fluffy Tribe said...

Oh now what are you going to do for a present? Or does that one count still? ~Merlin, Shadow, KoKo

utenzi said...

Merry Christmas to Oreo, Mom and her family. I wish Oreo had posted a picture of his lovely present but I guess some things are too precious to share! LOL

Anonymous said...

What a great Idea fur a special gift.
WTG, Oreo