Friday, December 30, 2005

Don't do it!!!

I wanted to post about a subject very close to my heart, about 7-8 inches away from it actually!! I got a comment from Utenzi who said cats can climb trees too so I wrote him back & told him I couldn't because I don't have any claws. My Mom had me declawed about 6 years ago because of a woofie. Her boyfriend-at-the-time didn't want my to scratch her eyes out. And I would have too!! I tried, several times.

Anyway, I say & Mom says too, DON'T DO IT!!! Almost every day she regrets it. The only time she doesn't is when I swipe at her & that's just her selfish side showing. She TRULY, TRULY, wishes she hadn't had it done. So save yourself & your poodie lots of pain & heartache & listen to us!


Edsel/The Pooch said...

if you look at my Mom's hands you'll know i have my claws. not that i TRY to scratch her, but sometimes when we play (or when i get annoyed) it just HAPPENS! (sorry Mom). but we believe too that kitties need their claws. 'specially if we go outside at all....

Mom said...

Well, me and my buddy cat both have our claws removed, but that doesn't stop us from climbing trees. Especially when the neighborhood wild red fox comes a-chasing us...Of course, Dad has to retrieve us from the tree, but we are still alive today..that fox can't get us!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting on such an important topic. I don't think most people realize what declawing involves. I won't describe it here, but if someone is really interested, ask your vet or email me and I'll send you a link. I'm not big into scare tactics, just information. It is a surgical procedure, with three popular techniques. If you do wish to declaw, please do your research first. Make an informed decision.
Oreo's mom, I'm sorry that you regret your decision. It sounds like you did it with the best intentions. I'm sure Oreo has adapted very well: he is such a happy little guy.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Mine mom is always cutting mine nails. They justs grow out nice "n" sharp and she comes along and cuts them off. I get really snarky sometimes and cries and wiggles; it does not a bit of good......gone are my lovely nails!

utenzi said...

I totally agree with you, Oreo. Declawing is a savage, nasty procedure. Now a little selective breeding to get cats with less effective claws--now that might be something worth looking into...

Shaggy and Scout said...

We had a lot of excellent comments on this on our posting of October 14. Check our archives for a good discussion. 31 comments!!!

IndyPindy said...

Oh Oreo, you are so darn cute!

You are right - when my mom was 9, she got a kitten. Back then everyone declawed their cats, nobody knew how painful it was for cats. Well, her poor kitty had complications and had to stay at the vet's for a few days - her paws bled and bled. For years when she sat, she would hold up her left front paw as if she didn't want to rest it on the ground.

It's nice of you to warn others! Now they have those SoftPaw things that you can cover cat's nails with instead of declawing them.

Peggy said...

I have no front claws either Oreo. Mom didn't do but my other family (that sat me out later) had me declawed and I can't stand for anyone to touch my paws. I get really mad and bite them! Mom had Whiskers from a baby so he got to keep his claws. By going outside sometimes mom says claws are for protection. I do alright by biting since I don't have claws. Its painful so I wouldn't do it if I had had a choice.

Just Ducky said...

I have no claws at all. My firsted owner had them taken out. So when mum adopted me she had no choice. But has learned since then that I am more likely to bite, since I can only defend myself that way. That is also why mum is very careful to make sure I stay inside.

But I have had no paw problems. I run and jump. I know when mum first read about all of this she watched me to see if I didn't put my paws down fully but I do.

I let mum touch my paws, but she always does it very gently. So it doesn't hurt me. Maybe I just got a good VET to do my job.

Max said...

My People had my front claws removed for the same reason. Dog, eyes, etc... They say now if they could go back they wouldn't do it, because it turned out that I got along just fine with the dog, after I grew out of my crackhead years.

Still, I think it's a case by case thing. A good vet can do it without the horrors that can really be horrible; a lazy vet will do it old school.

Buddah has his claws. I guess I'm glad he got to keep them, though I wish the People would put duct tape over his paws until he grows up a little...

Boni said...

Aw, sorry to hear that Oreo. Mom doesn't believe in declawing, thank goodness. Tell your Mom tho that even Moms make mistakes and you're ok and happy anyways. You sure seem ok and happy anyways. You look real cute and happy in your picture there!

Anonymous said...

My first cat came to me declawed which in a way was the only way to adopt him. He pretty much dislikes everyone (especially women) and the only reason we were not shredded to bits is because the previous owner declawed him.

That said, I don't think I would do it any kitty that came to me with his clawsies.

prairiesunshine said...

We agree. Our Daddy lived with some family afore that had their cat declawed so he doesn't quite reelize its not nice to do to kitties.

The last time he brought the idea up, Mama told him if he even thought about it, she'd get rid of him first MEOWING OUT LOUD! But I think she mighta been serious.......

I think her exact words were "How'd you like me to cut your fingers off at the knuckles?" That dint sound like fun to me!!

Angel n Taz

lambj said...

Oreo, tell your mom you forgive her. My 1st cat was in-and-out and kept his claws, even after shredding 2 sets of curtains! My 2nd cat was declawed in front when we got her, and it *was* easier on hands, laps, and furniture. I was against declawing Bonnie, but she was a TERROR. She attacked hands and feet even while we slept and climbed our bare legs in the bathroom! She liked the squirt gun and nothing helped! When I asked a vet for help with her behavior, they said, "what a cute widdle kitten!" I couldn't find help on the Internet 8 years ago like there is now, so... she was spayed and declawed at the same time. She still scratches with her back claws and bites - enough to make the vet careful. She never learned to pull anything with her paws, just push, but she lets us touch them. We never could have trimmed her nails because of her teeth. She was just too snarky!

Now we have Victor who has his claws but is very careful with them (most of the time). He lets me trim them and uses his scratching post most of the time. I wouldn't even consider it for him. And anyway, he may need those claws to protect him from Bonnie! I think early handling as a kitten has a lot to do with the later cattitude.