Sunday, February 19, 2006


Momma am ALL WAY HAPPY!! This is the first time Jimmy has won the Daytona 500! She is dancing around sayin' "WOOHOO"'s actually kind of embarrassing.....

To my Daddy I offer my condolences........poor Jeff Gordon.......Oh & Timmy I'm sorry for you too Jeff & Carl's so sad. :(


The Meezers or Billy said...

our mommy likes Jimmy and Jeff too, so she was happy.

utenzi said...

Isn't he the fellow that drives a Chevy, Oreo?

Timmy said...

We was thinkin of you a'cause we knowed that you like Jimmy Johnson :) We were all way sad when Carl's monster with wheels gotted up on top of the Petty monster. It must've been real a'scary to look out your window and see Carl's tire lookin' at you! My goodness! And hey, Jeff did ok! He was all way kaboomie but ended up coming back real fast at the end. If he had shmaybe 30 more laps, it would've been me celebratin' and not you! LOL!! j/k

Fat Eric said...

My mum has no idea what the Daytona 500 is but she is glad your mum is so happy about it!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Mom!

utenzi said...

I hope you don't let your Mom know that you like Chevys, Oreo. I've heard a rumor she favors Mustangs (and kitties, of course).

Anonymous said...

You can't possibly like Chevy's! I am happy for Jimmy winning the Datona 500. Come to think of it you are a black and white car know a Cop Car cat

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your mom!