Friday, November 04, 2005


On the one hand this is horrible, cause my Mom gotted runned over. On the other hand this is hilarious, just because. Remember everyone, be good today, what goes around & all that.....


Marie said...

Hello Oreo. Michele sent cute.

Kim said...

LOL! Although, it's my dog's birthday today...... not such a good cartoon for a dog.

Michele sent me!

Aginoth said...

Hi Michelle sent me

Anonymous said...

LOL I have learned a lesson today!
Cute gif. Sorry about the verification code...

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

I'm not really alergic to cats, it's more irritated. It comes and goes...

Poor dog.

Sandy said...

Well technically Michele sent me again. But you are book-marked in my "Blog" folder now. :) Cute cartoon.

Spock said...

Tara, HEHEHE You see how smart!!

Marie, Thank you! & thanks for coming!

Indigo, Hey! I'm sorry it's his b-day & I put this up. Just don't show him...k?

Aginoth, Hi.

Mar, Hey! That's ok, I don't mind doing it, I just hate it when it comes through more than once!!

Jon, I'm sorry. Guess it's a good thing you only stop by once in a while!!

Sandy, Thank you!!

ribbiticus said...

that was a good one! snicker, snicker :)

Anonymous said...

Remember everyone, be good today
When I am good, I am good. When I am bad, I am better....

The Dormitory Boys said...

I was hoping you was a girl since it was kinda hard to tell with a name like Oreo, but I guess we got punked.

Hi, Michele sent us!

Poor dog!

doug said...

Hello again - back to visit.... Michele says to say HI too!

Love the cat cartoon also, saw it somewhere else recently and will now share it with my felined friends! Thanks, Doug.

WendyWings said...

Poor dog LOL
Michele didn't really send me but I came anyway

Maggie Lamarre said...

This is cute
Michele sent me

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my site. That little cartoon made me giggle outloud! Very, very true!

Peggy said...

found you at fireflies and frogs and just love coming here each day. I have 2 cats, 3 dogs and an 4ft iguana so really love reading whats going on in the animal world LOL

Max said...

Ha! The dog gets it!

craziequeen said...

Hi Oreo - cute cartoon - Charlie and Pandy will appreciate it :-)

Sorry I forgot to tell you they had blogs - but it was quite a week here at home.....

Haven't yet sorted out their links.
But pop on in and say hi :-)

[chuckle] I see Aginoth visited :-)
And lots of new names in this comment string - I'll have to go visit :-)

Anonymous said...

Come on over for a quick visit when you wake up from your well deserved (cat)nap. I have posted an open letter to the cat and the dog, it was once in my mailbox.

Anonymous said...

Well, it took me long enough to return your visit form last week, but here I am. I had a cat when I was little who got hit by a car, and she lived another ten years. Limped a little when it rained, but other than that she was fine. Does that mean I can be mean and reckless and not worry about the consequences because the world is a big place and many of it’s inhabitants very tough? Hmmm, just in case, I’d better be good anyway.

utenzi said...

It's that darn kharma thing, isn't it, Oreo? Even cats know about it.

HanktheDog said...

Well, it is humorous, even if the dog is the crunch line. Personally, I try to stay kind to most of the cats in my neighborhood.

utenzi said...

I'm going to post your animated GIF on my site, Oreo (and Heather). I'll mention you both, of course.